Sitting For Too Long? Ouch!

pilates & injury prevention Aug 27, 2023
This person is sitting for too long and putting their health at risk. Pilates is the solution


Recently, I had a brutal reminder about just how dangerous sitting still for too long in the same position can be. As some of you know, I'm writing a book about Pilates, which I am thoroughly enjoying doing, but I have to admit that prolonged sitting has been a huge challenge for me.  While I know in theory just how bad sitting for long periods of time is for our bodies and minds, it wasn't until I experienced it again  myself that I was reminded just how awful it is. You see, enough time has passed since I've had to sit, typing at a computer for hours on end, that the horror of it was a distant memory. I usually write blog posts in short bursts to ensure I break up my sitting time but I became fully engrossed in what I was writing for my book and lost track of time on 2 occasions. Hours passed by and before I knew it, I was in trouble.  So I completely understand that it is hard to remember to take those breaks when you are sitting but remembering to do this can save you from a world of pain both now and in the future.  I was left with tight and tingly neck and shoulders and a burning feeling between my shoulder blades.  My arms felt heavy and moving was difficult, a little like how I imagine I would feel after waking up from a coma. My brain had turned to mush and I couldn't think straight anymore.  I just knew I had to get away from that screen as quickly as possible and start moving!  My heart goes out to you if you have to sit for long hours working at a computer 5 days per week . I have seen some horrible side effects of this over the years  such as RSI repetitive strain injury, neck and shoulder pain, spinal disc injuries, eye strain and lower back pain.  Even of you don't feel obviously sore after sitting for long periods of time it has a cumulative effect.  After years of sitting you can suddenly develop an injury that has been slowly building over time.  Let's take a closer look at the dangers of prolonged sitting and most importanty, how you can ensure you can protect yourself and avoid these debilitating injuries.


What Are The Effects Of Prolonged Sitting On Your Body?


Poor Posture: Sitting for extended periods encourages poor posture, with rounded shoulders, forward head tilt, and a curved lower back. This can put excess strain on the spine, leading to discomfort and potential long-term issues.

Increased Pressure on Spinal Discs: Sitting for long hours can increase pressure on the intervertebral discs, the soft cushions between the vertebrae. Over time, this pressure can contribute to disc degeneration and herniation, leading to conditions like bulging discs which can compress spinal nerves.

Muscle Imbalances: Prolonged sitting can cause certain muscle groups to become weak and others to become tight. For instance, the muscles in the front of the hips (hip flexors) can become tight, while the muscles in the back (hamstrings and glutes) can become weak. This imbalance can pull the spine out of alignment causing pain.

Weakened Core Muscles: Sitting doesn't engage the core muscles as much as standing or moving does. Weak core muscles can fail to provide adequate support for the spine, leading to instability and increased risk of injury.

Reduced Blood Circulation: Sitting for long periods can impede blood circulation, potentially leading to reduced nutrient and oxygen supply to the spinal tissues. This can contribute to tissue damage and slower healing.

Strain on Neck and Shoulders: Looking down at screens or documents while sitting can strain the neck and shoulder muscles, leading to discomfort and potentially causing issues like cervicalgia (neck pain) and tension headaches.

Reduced Mobility: Staying in a seated position for extended periods can lead to decreased joint mobility, particularly in the hips and spine. This reduced mobility can contribute to stiffness and discomfort.


How Can I Counteract Prolonged Sitting?


Sit to Stand Desk: In my experience, the worst trype of sitiing is when you are also typing and looking at a computer screen for anything from two to six hours at a time. Combine this with a stressful job that involves rigid deadlines and difficult co-workers and you are really putting your body under stress. If you can possibly have a standing desk and many companies provide them now, that will really help to improve your situation. There is 30 - 40 %  more compresssion on the lumbar spine when you are sitting than standing. This can lead to disc issues such as lumbar disc bulges.  If your job requires long hours of sitting using a sit to stand desk will really help to protect your spine from injury.

Listen To Your Body: If you are sitting and you start to feel very uncomfortable and need to stand up do so. I did not do this on both occasions when I sat for too long and felt dreadful afterwards. I paid the price for ignoring the warning signs my body was giving me in order to finish writing that particular part of my book.  I've well and truly learned my lesson now. Ignoring your body when it is telling you to get up and move is a protective mechanism against injury and so ignoring it long term leads to serious injury. I have a client with a lumbar disc bulge and she has learned to put her health first. She stands up in meetings when she feels the need and shel lies on the in the floor at the back at times if she can feel a pain flare-up on the way. Her co-workers are completely used to this and accept that she needs to do this for health.  It's your body and you need to protect it.

Sneaking Pilates Into Everyday Life:  Small movments throughout your day can reaaly help to break up sitting. Every little bit helps. For example, if you are sitting at your desk, in a restaurant, in a cinema etc, try circling your shoulders back for 5 and forwards for 5. This is a simple but effective way of relieving shoulder tension and preventing your shoulders from locking up.  JS mind Mind Body PIlates members will have access to a new video released today also called Sneaking Pilates Into Everyday Life which shows 5 ways of including extra Pilates into your day, quickly and easily. If you aren't a member and would like access to this video and the rest of the on-deamnd library you can  take the free 10 day trial. Once you have learned these skills, it will really break up your sedentary day and ensure you have some movement in your day.

Start PIlates Practising Pilates is the ideal way to build strength and flexibility and future-proof yourself agiant injury including prolonged sitting. My Pilates skills were invaluable for getting me back on track after my 2 occasions of sitting for too long.  Knowing what to do yourself in a situation like this is very empowering.  If you are ready to start your Pilates journey email me at [email protected] to get started.  Alternatively, you can book an Initial Assessment with me here or  take the free 10 day trial of JS Mind Body Pilates, my online studio and start straight away.  It would be my pleasure to assist you on your Pilates journey to healthy, pain-free living!



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Learn more about what sort of people benefit from Pilates and how it can help you too. I separate the myths from the facts and share actual case studies of my clients who have achieved life-changing results from my unique Pilates program.