Is Your Chiro/Osteo/Physio Helping You Or Harming You?

pilates & injury prevention Mar 26, 2023
This person is having a treatment, is it helping or harming?

Allied health professionals such as chiropractors, physiotherapists and osteopaths are essential for health care and can transform lives with the treatments they provide. But what happens when you don't receive  the results you were expecting and are injured instead? In this post, I share my own story of a chiropractic session with disastrous results . Many of my clients have unfortunately also been injured by various practitioners over the years and I'm sharing my client Bianca's story with you too.


My Unexpected Neck Injury


More than 12 years ago now, my trusted chiropractor of several years went on maternity leave for 6 months.  I wasn't too concerned as she had organised a locum who also happened to be my chiropractor's mentor.  She assured me her former teacher was talented, experienced and highly respected within the industry.  I had no reservations about booking in with her for a treatment.  That's when everything went downhill rapudly.  My neck had been my weak point for years due to multiple whiplash injuries from car accidens and childhood gymnastics.and didn't respond well to cracking.  I had regular chiropractic treatments which prevented headaches and minor neck pain and kept everything under control. The locum was a women of few words who basically told me to lie on my back. She then proceeded to twist and then crack my neck to the side with an enormous force that belied her small stature.  I saw stars.  The rest of the treatment was equally heavy handed and I felt bruised and battered and keen to get out of there as soon as possible.


A Year Of Pain and Rehabilitation


As I drove home, I knew the damage was bad when I has trouble turning my head to change lanes. That night I went out to dinner with friends and I felt disconnected from my body, light headed and the beginnings of a migraine coming on. The next morning I could hardly lift my head off the pillow to get out of bed.. It got worse daily.  I had nausea, vertigo and extreme fatigue. .I couldn't sit for any length of time particularly in the car.  The feeling of pressure in my head was increasing as were the migraines. The idea of banging my head against the wall was very appealing.  Finally, in desperation after a.month I went to a local osteopathic clinic and booked in with whoever was available.  By now, I didn't think it could get much worse.  Fortunately, I struck gold and found an amazing osteopath who worked with me to heal my injured neck.  She understood Pilates and practiced it herself so she did the treatments and I reinforced it with Pilates.  Around the 1 year mark I was almost back to normal but what a journey and something that was just so unnecessary.  My neck injury is something that flares up from time to time and something I will always have to manage.  Naturally, I had anger about the situation too, but anger doesn't assist with healing and I had to let that go. Unfortunately what happened to me is not an isolated incident and many of my clients have suffered similar injuries.


Bianca's Experience With Nerve Damage


Just before Christmas about 11 years ago Bianca had a sudden episode of back pain.  My Pilates studio was closed for the Christmas break and out of desperation she booked in with a random, local physiotherapy practice.  The session she she was hoping would alleviate her back pain in time for Christmas has left her with a life long injury she always have to manage.  While she was lying front side down, the physiotherapist used dry-needling to release Bianca's glutes without asking her.  She hit a nerve and Bianca experienced excruciating pain.  The physiotherapist apologised but the damage was done . Unfortunately, Bianca was in pain for weeks and she still experiences nerve pain in her right glute which can radiate down her leg, 2 to 3 times per year.  We then have to work to bring it under control again with Pilates.  It also flares up during times of high stress. Like my neck injury, her nerve damage will always be something Bianca has to manage with Pilates.


How Can You Avoid Injury?


* Obtain recommendations for a particular practitioner but try to get multiple recommendations. What works for 1 person may not be at all suitable for another.  If the chiropracter had given the same adjustment to another patient they might have been completely fine.  Everyone reacts differently to particular treatments.

* Do your own thorough independent research. Find out which particular techniques they use as there are so many different possibilities. For example, some physiotherapists correct gait and posture and only prescribe exercises. Others use manual therapy, massage, electrotherapy or dry-needling.. Find out which techniques a particular practitioner uses and weigh up if they are suitable for you.  Also research the risks involved with each technique. We have all this information available now at our fingertips.

*Make sure the practitioner understands your condition and what you expect from the treatment.  As I mentionned above, the locum chiropractor didn't ask me anything about my condition.  I assumed wrongly that she had read my notes.  Don't make assumptions like I did.  Make sure you feel listened too and understood.

*Ask for a small or reduced treatment for the first session with a new practitioner. That way you can experience a sample of what a full session is like and decide if it's for you. Also ask what technique they will be using at the time of the treatment. Bianca had no idea she even having dry-needling and knew it came with risks. You need to ask up front what will happen during the session.

It's uncertain as to how many people are injured by allied health professionals as the majority of cases are unreported.  I estimate I would average 2-3 clients per year for the past 19 years that have had practioner related injuries . I also include personal trainers, acupuncturists, massage therapists and of course other Pilates teachers in this as well.  

Just empasising that the majority of practitioners provide an invaluable service but injuries can occur in a small number of cases. You need to ensure this doesn't happen to you.  If you are in pain or have an injury and are looking for a way to rehabilitate and become pain-free,  email me at [email protected] to get started.  Alternatively, you can book an Initial Assessment with me here or  take the free 10 day trial of JS Mind Body Pilates, my online studio and start straight away.  It would be my pleasure to assist you on your Pilates journey to becoming pain-free and moving with ease!




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