Can Pilates Help To Reduce Inflammation?

causes of chronic pain pain-free living May 21, 2023
This woman is in pain with an inflammtory condition and she needs Pilates to reduce it.


The greater our awareness and understanding is of how our bodies function, the easier it is for us to heal and overcome chronic pain, so what role does inflammation play in our bodies?  If you have ever had  plantar fasciitis you will know it's a painful and persistent condition that is unfortunately all too common.  Over the years I've had many clients who have come to Pilates to overcome this debilitating foot condition which is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, the strong, thick connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot.  Did you know that medical conditions with the suffix  "itis" generally indicate inflammation?  A few examples are arthritis which means inflammation of a joint, tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon such as Achilles tendonitis and sacroiliitis is inflammation of the sacroiliac joint.  Some potential causes of chronic or excessive inflammation include autoimmune disorders (such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus), chronic infections, inflammatory bowel disease, certain allergies, or other systemic inflammatory conditions.  Our modern sedentary lifestyle combined with prolonged stress, poor diet, poor quality sleep and environmental pollutants can all contribute to excessive inflammation in our bodies. So let's look at how we can eliminate unnecessary inflammation, as not all inflammation is bad, so we can be as healthy as possible as we age.


What Is Acute Inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural and necessary process that occurs in the body as a response to injury, infection, or tissue damage.  It is a part of the body's immune response and plays a crucial role in defending us against harmful stimuli and initiating the healing process. When the body detects an injury or infection, the immune system is activated, leading to the release of various chemicals and immune cells to the affected area.  These chemicals, such as cytokines and prostaglandins, cause blood vessels to dilate, resulting in increased blood flow to the area. This increased blood flow can lead to redness and warmth at the site of inflammation . Additionally, inflammatory cells, such as white blood cells, migrate to the affected area to help fight off pathogens and remove damaged cells and debris. This immune response may also cause swelling, pain, and sometimes loss of function in the affected area. While acute inflammation is a beneficial and necessary process for the body's healing and defense mechanisms, chronic inflammation can be harmful.

What Is Chronic Inflammation?

Chronic inflammation refers to a long-term or persistent state of inflammation in the body.  Unlike acute inflammation, which is a normal and short-lived response to injury or infection, chronic inflammation can persist for weeks, months, or even years. It is is often characterized by a low-grade, smoldering inflammation that may not produce noticeable symptoms initially but can gradually contribute to various health problems. It can also result from a variety of factors, including autoimmune disorders, chronic infections, prolonged exposure to irritants or toxins, or an improper immune response.  Some common conditions associated with chronic inflammation include rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and atherosclerosis.  Over time, chronic inflammation can cause damage to tissues and organs, leading to an increased risk of developing other health conditions. It has been implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, neurodegenerative disorders, and autoimmune conditions.

How Can You Reduce Chronic Inflammation?

Identifying and addressing the underlying causes of chronic inflammation is crucial for managing and reducing its impact on your health. This may involve lifestyle modifications such as adopting a healthy diet,, engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress levels, avoiding exposure to environmental toxins, and getting adequate sleep . In some cases, medications or other medical interventions may be necessary to manage chronic inflammation effectively. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional if you suspect chronic inflammation or if you have any persistent or concerning symptoms. They can evaluate your condition, determine the underlying cause, and develop an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.


Which Foods Should Be Avoided?


Some foods are particularly inflammatory and should be avoided if you have an inflammatory condition. I've had several clients who have followed a diet for arthritis sufferers with great results.  There is now evidence to suggest that seed oils are toxic to humans in large amounts as they contain linoleic acid which is highly inflammatory.  There are still some unanswered questions about the use of these oils and more studies are needed.  Canola oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil and corn oil for example are high in Omega-6.  We need some of this in our body but too much is toxic. Unfortunatley, even if you don't cook with these oils they are added to most processed foods even some breads and restaurants usually use these oils as they are cheaper. If you want to reduce inflammation, try to reduce the amounts of these oils you consume. Small amounts are fine but most people are consuming much higher levels without even realising it.  A healthier choices is extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil.  Processed meats, deep fried foods and white rice and white pasta should also be eaten in small amounts only.


How Can Pilates Help To Reduce Chronic Inflammation?

There is a growing body of research indicating that exercise can have anti-inflammatory effects and help reduce chronic inflammation.   A 2017 study for example confirmed what we already suspected - a 20 minute session of moderate exercise is sufficient to stimulate the immune system which promotes an anti-inflammatory response.  Our grandparents were far less sedentary than we are today and movement was part of their daily lives.  It's essential we incorporate movement into our own lives as the health benefits are enormous.  My unique online Pilates studio provides everything you need to be able to practice Pilates in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you . It's exciting and empowering to think that by practicing Pilates and other forms of moderate exercise and making lifestyle modifications if necessary, you can actually reduce chronic inflammation in your body and brain.

Many of my clients with inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, MS, plantar fasciitis and osteoarthritis for example have been practicing Pilates successfully for many years and helping to reduce their inflammation.  Pilates provides so many health benefits and reducing inflammation is just one of them. If you are ready to start Pilates and reduce your inflammation email me at [email protected] to get started.  Alternatively, you can book an Initial Assessment with me here or  take the free 10 day trial of JS Mind Body Pilates, my online studio and start straight away.  It would be my pleasure to assist you on your Pilates journey to healthy, pain-free living!






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