5 Ways to Put More Pilates Into Your Day

pilates at home Apr 07, 2019
How do I possibly find time for Pilates? My daily schedule is already overbooked. This frequently asked question keeps coming up again and again. Everyone is busy and time management is an issue for most people. We are moving rapidly through 2019 and at the end of last year I talked about goal setting,  so it's a good time to check your Pilates and health goals and asses how you are progressing. If you are on track, that's great, but if you need a little assistance read on for some practical tips.

1. Decide if you prefer going to a studio or following an online Pilates program at home
Joseph Pilates original clients all attended 3 sessions per week as standard, which he considered the minimum to achieve results with an option of signing up for 3 or 6 month blocks. Give yourself the best chance possible of sticking with your sessions, so establish whether you can attend Pilates studio sessions on a regular basis, or if this is not possible look for a high-quality online Pilates program that you can work through at your own pace.  Also, consider a combination of studio and online Pilates sessions. In an ideal world, daily practice would be the ultimate goal and its wonderful if you can achieve this, but the next best thing would be 3-4 times per week. Before you dismiss this as unachievable as discussed below, small amounts of Pilates are enormously beneficial.  

2. Every  little bit helps
My online Pilates program contains Pilates sessions/workouts with the majority around 10 mins in length, which have been specifically designed to fit in with busy schedules. If you have 15 -20 minutes to spare its possible to fit in perhaps 2 videos.  I've experimented with this myself and it works, it's quite amazing what you can achieve in a short time. Try to look ahead in your week and see where you can slot in some extra Pilates time remember every little bit helps!

3. Try to schedule your home practice  in the morning
Morning is definitely the best time to schedule PIlates for a variety of reasons. This way, you will feel energised and focused and ready to take on the day ahead.  It's also a great feeling knowing that you have completed a Pilates session so if the day produces unexpected twists and turns your Pilates practice won't get pushed aside as you deal with the unexpected. If this just isn't an option for you, lunch breaks and just before bed are also good options for short sessions. Keep the pre-bedtime session light and relaxed and many people find the breathing can be calming, promoting a good nights sleep. Use whatever time you have free to your advantage for some extra Pilates!
3. Find time for Pilates & self-care otherwise, you will be forced to make time for illness 
Just a little tough love here. If you aren't dedicating enough time to your own health and fitness because you are too busy, I urge you to seriously rethink what you can leave out of your schedule to make yourself a priority. Otherwise, you will pay for it down the track through illness and injury and recovering or rehabilitating will then become your main focus and you may not be able to work or enjoy any quality of life at all.  Prevention is definitely the best approach so if you really are way too busy for any Pilates at all you have some serious re-thinking to do. 

5. Don't  beat  yourself  up if you lose your routine 
Lastly, establishing a weekly Pilates routine is a very rewarding and fulfilling experience and there is something very satisfying in creating this momentum. You will feel the benefits extend in all areas of your life.  Sometimes, however, life gets in the way due to minor illness, extended travel plus many other issues and you may lose the regular Pilates routine you so have carefully constructed.  This can be extremely discouraging and 
I have seen this happen to my clients and I have experienced it myself, but don't let this beat you. If you have done it before you can do it again! It's a bit like getting back on a horse as soon as possible after a fall. Just persevere and gradually re-establish your routine. When you feel like giving up just keeping working towards those goals and all the effort will be worthwhile!



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Learn more about what sort of people benefit from Pilates and how it can help you too. I separate the myths from the facts and share actual case studies of my clients who have achieved life-changing results from my unique Pilates program.