Will Your Habits Make You Or Break You?

pilates & consistency Apr 23, 2023
These hikers are able to do thisin their old age  because  they have developed good habits with Pilates
My 10 day April Pilates & Wellness Intensive has now finished for JS Mind Body Pilates members and it was incredible to see so many participants feeling the benefits of their commitment to their own health and fitness.  Intensives or Challenges are ideal for establishing good habits over a set period of time which then creates momentum to help you make this new daily habit permanent. Why are good habits so important? How can they help us to become pain-free, improve our strength and fitness and enjoy an active lifestyle well into our 60s, 70s and beyond? Let's look at the psychology behind establishing good habits and how they are the key to living a high quality life.

Why Are Good Habits So Important?


Good habits are essential because they contribute to a better quality of life and help us become the best versions of ourselves.  By making positive changes in our daily routines and sticking to them consistently, we can achieve our goals, improve our health and well-being and cultivate more positive relationships with others.  In order to gain maximum benefit from your Pilates practice you need to be consistent and small daily sessions are necessary if you want to achieve your goal.  If you have back pain and osteoporosis for example you need to establish a number of good habits to become pain-free and improve your bone density.  Firstly, you would need to schedule your Pilates sessions such as 20 mins daily or 30 mins 5 times per week or another timetable that suits you. Then you could schedule daily balance training which is important if you have osteoporosis to prevent falls and decrease your risk of fracture.  Then add a daily relaxation session to help calm your nervous system to help reduce pain levels and so on. These habits are all contributing towards the overall goal of being pain-free and increasing bone density. 
 "Building Habits in the present allows you to do more of what you want in the future"
When you overcome your back pain and increase your bone density, what do want to do? Maybe you want to go on a walking tour of Europe, go bike riding with your grandkids or tend to your garden.  Whatever your goal, it's these small daily habits that add up to big things that are going to allow you to go back to enjoying your life.

What Is The Best Way To Establish A Good Habit?


To establish a good habit, we need to create a consistent and rewarding experience for our brain. This can be achieved through the following steps:
Start small: It's important to start with a small and manageable habit that we can stick to consistently. This helps us build momentum and establish a sense of accomplishment.
Make it specific: Be clear about the habit you want to establish, and make it specific and measurable. This helps us stay focused and motivated.
Set a goal: Establishing a clear goal helps us stay committed to our habit and provides a sense of direction.
Make it a routine: Consistency is key to establishing a habit. Create a routine around your habit to make it easier to stick to.
Reward yourself: Celebrate your successes and reward yourself for sticking to your habit. This reinforces positive behavior and encourages us to keep going.
Practice self-compassion: Don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Recognize that setbacks are a natural part of the habit-building process, and use them as an opportunity to learn and grow.
By following these steps and being patient and persistent, we can rewire our brains and establish new, positive habits that contribute to our overall well-being and success.

More About Rewarding Yourself


When you begin Pilates with the goal of overcoming your chronic pain your first reward will be when you see even a small decrease in your pain levels and you should celebrate this as an important milestone.  Becoming pain-free, increasing your bone density or rehabilitating well post-surgery for example are all enormous rewards in themselves. The more your brain associates movement with healing and a sense of well-being, the easier it will be for you to establish and continue with your regular Pilates practice throughout your life.  I've seen new clients several sessions into their Pilates training make that direct connection that the more they move with Pilates the better they feel. The less they do Pilates, the worse they feel.  Pilates becomes a deeply ingrained positive habit.  That's why the majority of my clients are long term clients. They have established a positive habit that has transformed their lives and it's not something they are willing to give up.  Many of my clients tell me they are streets ahead of their peers in physical fitness and are incredibly grateful for their Pilates training.  This long established habit  has put them on the path to a high quaity life.

What Happens If You Don't Establish Good Habits?


It's impossible to experience long-term, life-changing results if you do 1 Pilates session ever in your lifetime.  You can't learn a new language if you inly do 1 class. Time will pass and if you haven't been establishing good habits to work towards your goals you are severely limiting yourself and jeopardising your health.  So many of my clients have found themselves in situations where their previous Pilates training has enabled them to make a full and quick recovery following a health crisis.  Without that previously established habit of regular Pilates practice,  they would have suffered dire consequences.  One of my clients of more than 14 years recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy.  She had a very challenging, complicated pregnancy which meant she was unable to do Pilates during this period.  It was necessary for her to have a c-section which is major abdominal surgery.   After getting clearance from her doctor 6 weeks after the delivery she was able to recommence virtual Pilates sessions with me.  Now 6 months on,  I'm constantly amazed at how her quickly her body is responding as she rebuilds her core.  All the years of consistent Pilates training has come together for her as she has avoided many of the usual post natal issues.  Where would she be now without her good habit of Pilates?  Based on other post-natal women who start Pilates for the first time with me during this period they commonly experience back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain and incontinence.   My client escaped all of this due to her past good habits.  Don't limit yourself and your fulffilment in life by failing to establish good habits now that will benefit you for years to come.

If you are ready to establish a good habit with Pilates email me at [email protected] to get started.  Alternatively, you can book an Initial Assessment with me here or  take the free 10 day trial of JS Mind Body Pilates, my online studio and start straight away.  It would be my pleasure to assist you on your Pilates journey to healthy, pain-free living!


If you are ready to take control of your own health and fitness then download your free copy of my detailed guide.

Learn more about what sort of people benefit from Pilates and how it can help you too. I separate the myths from the facts and share actual case studies of my clients who have achieved life-changing results from my unique Pilates program.