Help! I've Slipped A Disc!

pilates & disc issues May 29, 2022
This woman has a painful disc issue in her spine and Pilates is the solution


I was very young when I remember everyone whispering in hushed tones that my father had "slipped a disc."  What did this mean? I was very confused until I found out the chiropractor had diagnosed this condition and it meant he had a sore back.  He seemed fine to me but apparently, he had been dealing with quite severe lower back pain for a while and was going to begin extensive chiropractic treatment to relieve the pain. This was the same chiropractor who had cured me of asthma and he was fortunately, able to greatly improve my father's back condition.
I now know you can't actually slip a disc but this is the common term for a bulging, desiccated or ruptured spinal disc and can occur anywhere along the spine.

What is a Spinal Disc?


Between each vertebrae in the spinal column is an intervertebral disc. These discs are like small supportive sponges and perform a number of important functions such as holding the spine together and allowing movement to take place. They also act as shock absorbers by absorbing impact. Each disc contains fluid and is made up of an inner nucleus pulposus which is surrounded by the annulus fibrosus which helps to draw water into the disc.

What Causes Disc Injuries?


Normal wear and tear associated with aging means bulging discs are common as we age when we begin to lose fluid and the discs become dried out. The ligaments that help to hold the discs in place also weaken with age leaving us more susceptible to disc injuries.  These bulging discs can be seen on CT scans of older people and depending on their severity don't necessarily cause pain. Other causes of disc injuries include falls involving twisting the spine, car accidents or lifting an object that is extremely heavy.  One of my clients who started Pilates for completely unrelated issues developed a disc bulge in her neck or cervical spine with pain radiating down both arms after she lifted some weights at the gym which were far too heavy for her.  Her trainer assured her it would be fine but her natural instinct was that she should avoid it and going against her instincts, severely injured herself.  So ensuring you don't do heavy lifting if it is beyond your capabilities will help to prevent disc injury. 

When is an Injured Disc Serious?


Bulging discs don't necessarily cause pain. There is cause for concern, however, when an injured lumbar disc is compressing a spinal nerve most people will experience back pain and nerve pain radiating down the legs and in some cases numbness in the calf muscles or feet.  If this occurs higher up in the spine or the neck, nerve pain can radiate down the arms to the fingers or around other parts of the body.  Understandably this type of pain can be debilitating and if left unchecked can lead to permanent nerve damage or numbness.  In some severe cases, surgery may be necessary to decompress the nerve to prevent this from occurring.  Disc issues and more specifically lumbar disc issues has been the leading health condition that brings people to start Pilates with me, so they can become pain free and learn how to successfully manage this condition.

How Can Pilates Help with Disc Issues?


My online Pilates program is designed specifically to help you strengthen your core - your abdominal muscles and glutes which helps to stabilise your pelvis.  Pain and injury can cause these muscles to be sluggish and unable to support your body adequately.  It's necessary to retrain these muscles to activate correctly and then reinforce this with strengthening.  Strengthening the back muscles and extending the spine can help to relieve pain. In the early stages, forward flexion of the spine such as bending forward to lift a grandchild out of a cot or lifting a heavy pot plant off the ground for example can aggravate disc issues, particularly in the lumbar spine or lower back area. It's an important part of daily life to be able to flex your spine so re-training the body to be able to do this with ease is vital for good quality of life. Strong, flexible feet are important too and most people who are experiencing spinal pain have weak foot muscles and the arches of one or both feet are usually locked up and tender.  My unique Pilates program provides all the essential tools you need to recover from your disc injury and then manage the condition and prevent further injury in the future.  I've helped hundreds of people to successfully become pain-free through Pilates over the past 17 years using these proven techniques.  It's important that your Pilates Practitioner has the qualifications and experience to work with clients with disc injuries as not all Pilates teachers have this training.  I also suggest you consult your medical practitioner who can organise the necessary scans you need for an accurate diagnosis. Then obtain medical clearance to begin a Pilates program.  Most GPs prefer their patients to strengthen with Pilates as an alternative to spinal surgery which should be a last resort.  An accurate diagnosis ensures your Pilates practitioner knows exactly what they are dealing with and can then make sure you are practicing the most effective exercises for your individual needs. 

What Else Can I Do?


Spinal discs require water to re-hydrate so making sure you are well-hydrated can really assist your condition. Sitting for long periods aggravates disc issues so try to break up sitting with incidental movement whenever you can.  Even standing up and walking across the room and sitting back down is beneficial.  Pain levels are usually at their highest on waking so do 5 - 10 minutes of Pilates from my online studio to prepare you for the day ahead.  A supportive mattress is essential so if yours is old consider replacing it.  Breathing and relaxation techniques can also help to calm the nervous system and reduce pain levels. These are also provided in my online PIlates studio.  Be aware of correct lifting techniques and avoid lifting very heavy items that could cause spinal disc injury.
As you can see "slipping a disc" can be a painful and complicated condition, but fortunately I can help you to be become pain-free and live life on your own terms again.  Click HERE to read about what options I have to offer you to begin your Pilates journey.  Alternatively, email me at [email protected] - I'd love to help you start your Pilates journey to pain-free living!

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